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The Court Improvement Program produces many reports on topics related to abuse and neglect as well as project findings. These reports are 100% funded through grant funds awarded from the United States Department of Health and Human Services, Administration for Children and Families. Each report reflects not only the work of the court, but the combined effort of all child welfare professionals throughout the state. These professionals include child protective service workers, attorneys, guardians ad litem, child advocates, and others.

  1. CIP FY22 Review - Overview of the activities accomplished by the Division of Children's Services staff to further the mission of the CIP.
  2. Missing From Care Report - Provides findings from over 200 interviews with foster care youth who have run from placements or home.
  3. MDT Survey Findings - Report on the findings from 1100 surveys completed by various child welfare stakeholders on their perceptions and opinions of the Multi-disciplinary process in West Virginia.