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Information for The Public

General Information

Court Information by County

Find court information related to each county by clicking the map or any of the text links below the map. 

Circuit Courts

Circuit courts are West Virginia's only general jurisdiction trial courts of record. These courts have jurisdiction over all civil cases at law over $7,500; all civil cases in equity; proceedings in habeas corpus, mandamus, quo warranto, prohibition, and certiorari, all felonies and certain misdemeanors. Circuit courts also receive appeals from magistrate courts, municipal courts, and all administrative agencies except workers' compensation appeals. 

  • Probation Offices: Each county has a local probation office and each circuit has a chief probation officer. To contact your local probation office, click here.

Family Courts

Family courts handle cases involving divorce, annulment, separate maintenance, paternity, grandparent visitation, name change, infant guardianship, child custody, and issues involving allocation of parental responsibility and family support proceedings, except those in child abuse and neglect proceedings. 

Magistrate Courts

Magistrate courts have limited jurisdiction. Magistrates can issue arrest and search warrants, hear misdemeanor cases, conduct preliminary examinations in felony cases, and hear civil cases with $10,000 or less in dispute. Magistrates can issue emergency domestic violence protective orders. Magistrates can also serve as mental hygiene commissioners.

Treatment Courts

Also known as problem-solving courts, these courts help participants overcome addictions and mental illnesses that may have led them to commit crimes, thus improving the quality of life for them and their families. People who are registered as sex offenders or have a prior conviction for a felony crime of violence are not eligible for treatment courts. For links to the available treatment courts in West Virginia, click here.

Domestic Violence

Find resources and emergency contact numbers if you or someone you know is in a domestic violence situation. There is also an 18-minute video explaining the domestic violence court process. 

Mental Hygiene & Guardians

West Virginia has a high rate of adults experiencing mental illnesses. Relatives are able to be appointed guardian or conservator of family members who are unable to take care of themselves. To help navigate the process, there are resources available, including a training video and an involuntary commitment process video.  

Child Abuse & Neglect

The most vulnerable in our society are children, especially those in child abuse and neglect situations. The judiciary has resources available to explain the process of helping children in these situations. 

Accessibility Information

If you need an accommodation to participate in a court program or case held at the Capitol Complex, there are resources available. 


Looking for a job? The West Virginia Judiciary provides equal opportunity in employment for all persons, and recruits, selects, trains, promotes, retains, and disciplines without regard to race, color, sex, age, disability, religion, sexual orientation, or national origin. 


Court Records

Search magistrate and circuit court records for all fifty-five counties. Public circuit court documents can be downloaded for a nominal fee for registered users; attorneys can download records for cases in which they are counsel of record for free. Appellate court search function for the Supreme Court of Appeals of West Virginia and Intermediate Court of Appeals is under development and coming soon.

Court Forms

Public forms are available, including public safety, domestic violence, infant guardianship, mental hygiene, expungement, employment, fee waiver, and guardian ad litem, as well as others. 

Student Resources

Civic education is essential to help the public, especially students, understand the judicial branch of government. Here are videos, programs, and other resources to educate the public. 

Lawyer Disciplinary Board

Do you have a complaint or concern about an attorney? This board has jurisdiction to investigate complaints regarding violations of the Rules of Professional Conduct; to hold hearings; and to make recommendations with respect to disciplinary actions to be taken against lawyers. 

Judicial Investigation Commission

This commission determines whether probable cause exists to formally charge a judge or a magistrate with a violation of the Code of Judicial Conduct. The commission publishes its advisory opinions to elected judicial officers as well as admonishments against them. 

Law Library

Located in the State Capitol, the State Law Library assists the Supreme Court of Appeals of West Virginia and all judicial staff. The library is also open to the public and has online and in-house resources available